


Use email address under contact tab - Subject: MS4 

Butler Township Draft Stormwater Ordinance 050923.pdf


Talen Energy 2024 Emergency Preparedness GuideTalen Energy mailed the 2024 Emergency Preparedness Guide to area residents within the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station evacuation zone and asks that you keep this brochure in a convenient location and readily available for your use. It contains information and planning resources for any emergency situation at and around the plant. There are also SPECIAL ASSISTANCE and FARMER'S ASSISTANCE cards to be completed and mailed back if required during an emergency. You can visit for another copy.

If you have any questions, please contact your County Emergency Management Agency at these numbers:

Luzerne - 570-820-4400, Columbia - 570-389-5720

or email Butler Township/Conyngham Borough EMC at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Butler Township Public Notice Budget 2025.pdfPublic Notice - Zoing Hearing Board Meeting (August 17, 2021) Cancelled

best buy recyle program pennsylvaniaBest Buy Retail Stores in Pennsylvania are once again accepting televisions and monitors (up to 49”) for recycling. There are a few restrictions, and a fee in most cases, associated with this program. It is important to ensure residents are made aware of the restrictions and potential fees prior to taking their televisions/monitors to a Best Buy Retail Store for drop off:

  • Only televisions/monitors up to 49 inches will be accepted.
  • There is a limit or two items per day (two televisions or two monitors; or one of each).
  • Best Buy branded televisions and monitors (Dynex or Insignia) will be accepted at no charge.
  • Televisions and monitors of other brands will be accepted, but the resident will be charged $29.99 per television or monitor. Residents paying the collection fee will be issued a $30 Best Buy Gift Card. Please note, this collection fee model is acceptable in accordance with Section 504 of the Covered Device Recycling Act (CDRA).

The Luzerne County Heating and Utility Assistance program provides a one-time grant of $290 per address to heat related utility vendors on behalf of eligible ratepayers.

To be eligible, the applicant must meet each of the following requirements:

  • Household must reside in Luzerne County
  • Household annual income between 200% and 300% of the Federal Poverty Guideline (see chart below)
  • The household must provide all household income for the prior 30 days to determine their annual income
  • A Luzerne County renter or homeowner who is responsible for paying for their main or secondary heating source (natural gas, electric, deliverable fuels i.e. fuel oil, kerosene, propane, coal)
  • The ratepayer must reside in the household
  • Utility costs must have been incurred after March 3, 2021

Renters whose utility service is included as part of their rental cost are not eligible.

PLEASE NOTE: Payment will NOT be made to the individual. This is a one-time grant of $290 per address to heat related utility vendors on behalf of eligible ratepayers. You must supply your primary heating vendor information.

Application can be made online or via a paper application. Questions can be directed to CEO's ARPA Utility Program at: 570-826-0510 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Income Eligibility Guidelines

To be eligible, the gross household income before taxes and other deductions must fall between the lower and upper income limits noted below.

200% to 300% Federal Poverty Guideline (FPIG) Heating and Utility Program Limits

Apply Now

pdfPrintable Application417.24 KB

Information taken from Commission on Economic Opportunity.

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