Butler Township property owners affected by significant stormwater runoff issues should report by email with details and pictures to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Vector Management has reported 1 mosquito sample testing positive for West Nile Virus in Butler Township, Luzerne County. Additional mosquito surveillance, sampling, and larval control are being performed as necessary by the Luzerne Conservation District Mosquito-borne Disease Control Program staff.
With West Nile Virus found in a mosquito sample in the township, it is important that residents take time to inspect their yards and take a few minutes to clean up and dump out any sources of stagnant water. Mosquito surveillance indicates that many common mosquito species in residential areas come from artificial containers left behind by humans. Artificial containers such as tires, buckets, child toys, tarps, and even swimming pools are preferred by mosquitoes because natural predators that prey on mosquito larvae are not present. One bucket or tire in someone’s backyard can produce hundreds to thousands of mosquitoes in a year.
Please note that West Nile Virus (WNV) is not new to Luzerne County. It first appeared in Pennsylvania in 2000 and has consistently been found in Luzerne County since then. Butler and Hanover Townships hold the first Luzerne WNV positives in 2023. Residents can contact the Luzerne Conservation District Mosquito-borne Disease Control Program by calling 570-674-7991 x6 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For more information on West Nile Virus, please visit https://www.dep.pa.gov/Business/ProgramIntegration/Vector-Management/Mosquitoes/Pages/default.aspx.
Current Counties Positive for West Nile Virus
Tips to Reduce Mosquito Breeding in Your Home
- Don't let water go stagnant. Mosquitoes need stagnant, still water to lay their eggs and for the young to successfully hatch and mature.
- Dump stagnant water out.
- Pick up your litter.
- Pay attention to your water features.
- Drain or throw out tires.
- Declutter and get rid of junk in your yard.
Dear Homeowner:
JMF Underground Inc. is currently completing the construction process for underground pipe installation. There will be crews following to tie in and complete connections of this installation which may result in further excavation.
Once all construction has been completed, landscaping crews will return to backfill, spread topsoil, seed, and straw as needed to return the area to the best condition possible. Aside from grass, we will not replant greenage in prohibited areas which includes but is not limited to areas around power/ gas meters and areas around power transformers. Please be kind and water the new grass and please do not mow the new grass till it has firmly been established. Asphalt and concrete crews will follow shortly to repair any damages that were caused. If this work is taking place within the winter months, our restoration, asphalt and concrete crews will be returning to start repairs beginning April.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call our office at 717-697-4029.
Public Meeting and Plans Display Presentation
- Time: 4:30 - 6:00 PM (Plans Display), 6:00 PM (Presentation at the Butler Township Supervisors Meeting)
- Date: July 11, 2023
- Location: Butler Township Municipal Building, 83 Corporate Drive, Drums, PA 18222
The purpose of the plans display is to introduce the project, display and describe how traffic will be maintained during construction, and receive public input regarding the proposed improvements. Project information flyers and comment forms will be available at the Township office and on the project webpage.
The project plans will remain on display at the township building for approximately 2 weeks, until July 27, 2023.
The information provided during the in-person plans display (display boards, project information sheet, and public comment form) can be accessed virtually by clicking the links under the "Resources" section on the upper right side of the PennDOT webpage.
The deadline for submitting official comments is August 11, 2023.
SR 0080-350 Display Plans3.47 MB
SR 80 EB over SR 81 Information Sheet for Public Display 6.20.23121.84 KB
SR 80 EB over SR 81 Public Comment Form for Public Display 6.22.23 fillable74.60 KB
Date & Time: June 26th through August 4th, 9 AM to 12 PM.
Fee: $5 per day for Butler Township Resident or Non-Resident, or $20 per week (must be paid on Monday to secure the weekly rate).
The program is for children ages 5 to 12. No child under the age of 5 or over the age of 12 will be permitted to participate.
Daily sign‐in will be held in the pavilion near the Valley East Little League Theory Field (behind the OLD Municipal Building). The program will be held at Freedom Park and activities begin at 9 a.m. and ends promptly at noon, Monday through Friday. Activities include organized play, games and crafts.
In the case of rain, the program will be held in the Gym of the Butler Township Community Center.
2023 Park Program Registration Form140.44 KB
Please return registration forms to the Municipal Office, located in 83 Corporate Drive, Drums, PA 18222.