Public Meeting and Plans Display Presentation
- Time: 4:30 - 6:00 PM (Plans Display), 6:00 PM (Presentation at the Butler Township Supervisors Meeting)
- Date: July 11, 2023
- Location: Butler Township Municipal Building, 83 Corporate Drive, Drums, PA 18222
The purpose of the plans display is to introduce the project, display and describe how traffic will be maintained during construction, and receive public input regarding the proposed improvements. Project information flyers and comment forms will be available at the Township office and on the project webpage.
The project plans will remain on display at the township building for approximately 2 weeks, until July 27, 2023.
The information provided during the in-person plans display (display boards, project information sheet, and public comment form) can be accessed virtually by clicking the links under the "Resources" section on the upper right side of the PennDOT webpage.
The deadline for submitting official comments is August 11, 2023.
SR 0080-350 Display Plans3.47 MB
SR 80 EB over SR 81 Information Sheet for Public Display 6.20.23121.84 KB
SR 80 EB over SR 81 Public Comment Form for Public Display 6.22.23 fillable74.60 KB